Thursday, September 24, 2015


Treatments help to preserve the health of the scalp because:

  • Scalp is cleansed from excess skin cells (epithelial scales)
  • Scalp becomes more flexible

Non-infectious Scalp / Skin Disorders
There are also some common non-infectious conditions which you may come across on the salon, including: dandruff, dermatitis, psoriasis, hair loss and eczema.


  • Scaling - accelerated loss of dead skin cells
  • cause is not known.


  • Scaling all over the scalp .
  • Treatment
  • Appropriate shampoo procedures according to manufactures instructions

Pityriasis capitis simplex (dry dandruff)

Pityriasis Seborrhoea (oily dandruff)

  • This is the next stage of dandruff
  • The scales turn from white to yellow, they feel waxy.
  • The skin underneath can be pink.


  • Appropriate shampoo procedures according to manufactures instructions.

Oily Hair and Skin

  • If the sebaceous glands make too much oil, too much oil travels up the hair follicle on to the hair shaft or skin.
  • This is common on adolescence. It is often associated with pimples.


  • This can cause the skin and hair to feel itchy.


  • Appropriate shampoo procedures according to manufactures instructions.


  • Inflammation of the skin. it is caused by something irritating the skin.
  • The irritation can affect the point of contact, or it can also affect other parts of the body (allergic reaction).
  • causes: it is often worse in winter; irritation from chemicals, heat, light, injury can also contribute.

Inflamed skin, can be red and itchy
Avoid the irritant; protect yourself from coming untie contact with the irritant by using gloves, barrie creams etc.
seek medical advice if condition persists

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